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Eyelash Curling & Eyelash Extension – Adibi Salon
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Japanese Anti Bacterial Eyelash Extension

Most women don’t have the time or patience to apply fake eyelashes every day. So it’s no surprise that lash extensions have become increasingly popular in recent years.

Applying extensions to the eyelashes is a practice that enhances the length, thickness and fullness of natural eyelashes. The extensions may consist of silk, mink, synthetic hair, or human hair.
The main method of applying eyelash extensions is individually (one-by-one). Fake eyelashes and eyelash extensions are not the same. Eyelash extensions must be applied one by one to avoid having them stick together.

Fake eyelashes and eyelash extensions are not the same.

With our Japanese Anti Bacterial Eyelash Extension, your eyelashes will be bolder, long, and curly which make your eyes look more beautiful.
Our eyelashes last up to 2 months


Eyelash Curling

Curling your eyelashes is a good makeup to do, it makes your eyes look bigger and brighter and helps lengthen the eyelashes.

With our eyelashes curling service, your curly eyelashes will last longer than usually you get if you do it yourself at home.

Our Special Pricing


Rp. 150.000
Keriting Bulu Mata
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